August 19, 2019
By God's grace, the OCTS Board of Directors recently held an all-day retreat and strategic planning meeting at St. John Orthodox Church in Memphis, Tennessee.
Being only the second in-person retreat since our inception, for many of us this was our first time to meet all our fellow laborers face to face. While this provided ample opportunity for laughter and fellowship, it also allowed us to dive deep into our brainstorming and strategy sessions as we deliberated the future of the orga...
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June 13, 2019
As we prepare for the Holy Feast of Pentecost, we are reminded of the important need that OCTS seeks to fulfill.
Today, quality Orthodox literature exists in many different languages. But while clergy and lay people around the world share in a common spiritual struggle, language barriers often make them unable to hear the Holy Spirit through the voices of other Orthodox Christians.
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November 07, 2018
Although OCTS will not be accepting new proposals until later in 2019, it's not too soon to begin preparing!
OCTS is an innovative organization committed to making beautiful Orthodox translations and sharing them with the world. From our inception, we have endeavored to stay abreast of current trends in print publishing to offer products in the most cost-effective and efficient manner. While we continue t...
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